Does Your Organization Want to Change the World?

want to change the world

So you want to change the world? Me too. I used to think it was a nice thing to say or aspire to, but over the years it has become a driving force in what motives me personally and professionally. I’m our idealist, where some tend to be our realists. I grew up in a…

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A Lesson in Kindness

A Lesson in Kindness

I can be oblivious sometimes. If we’re honest, it’s likely something we all are guilty of from time to time. Life is busy and we become laser-focused checking off the task at hand and moving on to the next thing on the list. Oftentimes, in the midst of our focus, we become totally unaware of…

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There’s No “Can’t” in Innovation

I’m not a huge believer in the word can’t. I never have been. It comes from me being young and having parents that encouraged me to move mountains. Change can be difficult; I get that. Defeasance becomes a barrier that limits people’s ability to see what could be better. While tradition is important, it can…

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Unraveling Ministry Hurts

Unraveling Ministry Hurts

Recently I had a conversation with a pastor who shared some of his frustrations in ministry—about his staff, board, and direction. He felt like few understood the level of commitment he had to lead the ministry. We went on to discuss his experience over the years. He had been in ministry for four decades—serving in…

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The Tyranny of Nostalgia

The Tyranny of Nostalgia

Every generation tends to have a favorite music genre. Even as time passes, they stay forever connected to that one particular era—for my parents it was the 60s and 70s, for me it was the late 90s, for my kids it’s something more recent. This music isn’t special to us because we objectively think it’s…

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Hope: the Ultimate Inventory

hope: the ultimate inventory

“Girl.” The robotic voice enunciates the word clearly through Khaira’s headphones. She stares at it on her computer screen. Well, the class’s computer screen. She doesn’t own a laptop. Her son had one in Iraq, and they left it behind when they fled their country due to terrorism. She can still see the Arabic letter…

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