Posts Tagged ‘Educate’
When Personal Issues Begin to Impact Organizational Health
Do you remember when you got your first car? When I was a teenager, I was eventually able to get enough money together, with some help from my parents, to buy my first truck. It felt like the greatest thing in the world. The truck was older and had some issues, but it was mine.…
Read MoreWhen Churches Say No
There are a lot of leaders I talk to who have a hard time understanding that there is a lot of competition in the ministry world. I recently got a text from a friend who was involved with the new nonprofit. He was sharing his frustration because every church they had talked to said they…
Read MoreThe Definition of Insanity
We all know the definition of insanity — doing something over and over hoping for a different outcome. As a leader you’ve probably talked and read about this before. I have been the subject of someone else’s conversation about it. I know I have. As a leader, we want to see improvements. We want things…
Read MoreRevenge Ministry
When you talk to people in ministry, it seems that everybody’s got a story about how they got into it and why this work matters. As someone who appreciates the reason why people do what they do, these conversations are especially intriguing to me. We have found a lot of interesting reasons that people move…
Read MoreCelebrating the Wins
When you’re in the midst of the day-to-day grind of ministry leadership, sometimes the bright spots or high points can get dismissed kind of easily. They might even be missed entirely depending upon the level of stress in business that you’re experiencing. I was encouraged last week to sit in a staff meeting with a…
Read MoreYour Greeting Team’s Biggest Blind Spot
While this blog applies to all types of ministries, it probably impacts churches the most. From time to time, I visit a variety of churches. It kind of goes with the job. One of the most common things I see in churches is greeters. These tend to be the naturally outgoing people who don’t have…
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