Blogs & helpful things

We've observed a lot over the years

Ministries all face challenges at times. This can be very discouraging for a leader in the midst of difficulty. We've been in conversations with leaders in these moments for many years. These interactions have given us a vantage point to see things differently. Often from a more hopeful place as we think about how others can learn from the insights we've gleaned.

Our blog shares content from this perspective.

Do You Know What Motivates Your Volunteers?

Do You Know What Motivates Your Volunteers?

One of the most important aspects of ministry is its volunteers. For organizational leadership, having volunteers is encouraging because it helps in accomplishing your mission.…

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There’s No “Can’t” in Innovation

I’m not a huge believer in the word canā€™t. I never have been. It comes from me being young and having parents that encouraged me…

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How Does a Church Navigate the Digital Circus? Start at the Beginning!

How Does a Church Navigate the Digital Circus? Start at the Beginning!

Jump below to use our church vision exercise! A Recipe that Forces Change I’m not sure anyone is a fan of change. Change represents the…

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A Lesson in Kindness

A Lesson in Kindness

I can be oblivious sometimes. If weā€™re honest, itā€™s likely something we all are guilty of from time to time. Life is busy and we…

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want to change the world

Does Your Organization Want to Change the World?

So you want to change the world? Me too. I used to think it was a nice thing to say or aspire to, but over…

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Being Honest About Your Organizationā€™s Shortcomings ā€¦ is it Worth it?

What do you do when youā€™re in a ministry that has really dropped the ball? You havenā€™t done a good job of helping the people…

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Developing Mentors

3 Ideas to Consider for Encouraging Mentors in your OrganizationĀ 

When I was in ministry years ago, I didnā€™t have good models for the type of ministry I was trying to do. There were things…

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Ministries Should Think Like Entrepreneurs

At Keenly, my job is to work with ministries. Big and small, local and international, building churches or educating children in Africa, I have the…

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The Changing Non-Profit Landscape

As organizations, non-profits seek to change the world for the better, but in order to do the most good, it is important to understand how…

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Stop Marketing and Start Inspiring People

When you hear the word “Inspire”, what comes to mind? Do you have the picturesque image of an artist painting the sunset meeting a dark…

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Our Goal?

To equip ministry leaders to overcome their barriers and reach more, help more & do more.

We believe Better Ministry is possible!