Do You Know What Motivates Your Volunteers?

Do You Know What Motivates Your Volunteers?

One of the most important aspects of ministry is its volunteers. For organizational leadership, having volunteers is encouraging because it helps in accomplishing your mission. It gives a shared sense of being in ministry together. For a volunteer, it can be equally meaningful because it gives an opportunity for purpose and impact to happen in…

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A Lesson in Kindness

A Lesson in Kindness

I can be oblivious sometimes. If weā€™re honest, itā€™s likely something we all are guilty of from time to time. Life is busy and we become laser-focused checking off the task at hand and moving on to the next thing on the list. Oftentimes, in the midst of our focus, we become totally unaware of…

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Does Your Organization Want to Change the World?

want to change the world

So you want to change the world? Me too. I used to think it was a nice thing to say or aspire to, but over the years it has become a driving force in what motives me personally and professionally. I’m our idealist, where some tend to be our realists. I grew up in a…

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Ministries Should Think Like Entrepreneurs

At Keenly, my job is to work with ministries. Big and small, local and international, building churches or educating children in Africa, I have the honor of working with such a variety of kingdom-changing groups. The past few years as Iā€™ve been able to look behind the curtain of these different ministries, Iā€™ve noticed a…

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There’s No “Can’t” in Innovation

I’m not a huge believer in the word canā€™t. I never have been. It comes from me being young and having parents that encouraged me to move mountains. Change can be difficult; I get that. Defeasance becomes a barrier that limits people’s ability to see what could be better. While tradition is important, it can…

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Stop Marketing and Start Inspiring People

When you hear the word “Inspire”, what comes to mind? Do you have the picturesque image of an artist painting the sunset meeting a dark and vast mountain range? Or perhaps you visualize someone sitting at a spot-lit piano on a blacken stage on the verge of a masterpiece. Maybe it takes you back to…

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